SUMMER SIZZLE & FALL FROLICS/ ART & SOUL Magic At the Palace and beyond
As a certified Teacher of the Intentional Creativity Method, Elizabeth will guide you on juicy, playful and magical CREATIVE ADVENTURES designed to ignite your soul-fire.
Contact Elizabeth at 415-637-4290 to learn more about one on one art classes, one on one mentoring programs and event rental of the Palace of the Soul for your magical event!! Elizabeth is available as a Consulting Badass Mystic MUSE to support you in creating your most fabulous event ever! She is known as a Prophetess of Enchantment and a High Priestess of Possibility who can catalyze you and your tribe to live a legendary life.
Private Classes with Elizabeth, aka the Bejewelled Baroness
2 hour private class
3 hour private class
4 private hour class
GROUP CLASSES with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teachers
Treasures from the Deep

Does your inner WILD SHINING MERMAID long to have her way with the Universe?
Saturday October 20,2018
11 am to 7 pm
The Palace of the Soul In San Francisco
Join us for some tail-slapping fun as we guide you on a deep dive into your most heartfelt desire. Your tails will be a-quivering with delight as you harness the energies of WATER in an Intentional Creativity Process, to support the fulfillment of your DESIRE.
Learn Jellyfish wisdom from WILD SHINING MERMAID Elizabeth, aka Queen Lani Lilikoi of the Glitterati.
Learn how to float your way to your pot of gold with WILD SHINING MERMAID Kerry Lee, Queen of the Riviera of the Rainbows.
Ripple, surge and cascade into alignment with the FLOW of the Universe as you paint the day away with your WILD SHINING MERMAID Soul Sisters. Get ready to float in this enchanted OCEAN of POSSIBILITIES with us.
Remember you are in the ocean and the ocean is in you.
In our day together you will:
- Dive Deep into the Ocean of your Consciousness and discover a heartfelt DESIRE, a treasure that your SOUL is now ready to bring to fulfillment.
- Clarify the essence of your desire.
- Experience a profound energy shift as you learn a bioenergetic technique to build circuitry in your energy field that allows you to transcend old stories and receive new energy
- Align your mind, body and spirit with the immense power of the energies of the element of water using an ancient shamanic process.
- Paint a gorgeous icon of the watery realm to support the fulfillment of your desire
- Release any subconscious interference to bringing your desire from spirit to form.
- Connect soulfully with your WILD SHINING MERMAID sisters in a magical, mythic environment.
- Receive an enchanted gift bag of Mermaid delights
All art supplies are included in price of the play shop
Early Bird Price available until Oct. 1, 2018
One payment of $147
Early Bird Price 2 payments of $75
Regular Price (after October 1, 2018)
One payment
2 payments of $100 (after Oct. 1)
Facing Self/Awakening SOUL-SHINE

with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’Malley

June 29 & June 30
12 pm to 7 pm

*Align with your most powerful, authentic inner wild woman with playful Intentional Creativity. Paint a powerful self-portrait icon using a VERY simple technique (we will be working from photos and using transfer paper- absolutely no drawing skills needed. Your portrait will still come out looking like you although we can guarantee that some surprises will be revealed to you during the process!)
Do you ever get the feeling that you are leading the wrong life? That this is not the one that you truly chose. That somehow you fell into it without knowing quite how it happened? That parts of you somehow got lost along the way? This is what I want you to know;
No star is ever lost
We once have been
We always may be
What we might have been.
Imagine knowing just where you are headed. I don’t mean knowing what the next unfolding of your story is. I’m not talking about being in “control”. Imagine knowing that what defines you, is not anything outside of you. Not your job, your roles, your education or even some story that you tell about yourself that doesn’t even match who you know yourself to be on the inside. Imagine a light that would lead you out of the tangled woods of your old story and back to safety. Steady and reassuring. A beacon to come home to. Imagine YOU so authentically and powerfully YOU that nothing can separate you from your TRUE NATURE.
Stories matter. Stories are how we make sense of our world and give meaning to it. Stories impact the choices that we make and they inform who we identify ourselves to be.

The time has come for women to reclaim our stories. The stories that we have been living with are not working. To reclaim our stories it is vital that we journey into the depths, into the heart and origin of the stories that are not working. So often we get “stuck” in our stories. Oftentimes we “take on” stories from our culture without even realizing that we are living with them. Stories have belief systems like arteries that spread out into our consciousness and inform the choices that we make about how to live our lives. Oftentimes stories are so deeply imbedded in our consciousness that it can seem impossible and overwhelming to disentangle ourselves from them. It is hard to figure out why our choices are not working. It is hard to know where to begin. We want to show you a way out of the entanglement. A way that will lead you to discover your own “North Star”.
This is your invitation and your hot pink permission slip to join us for a Shero’s Journey, a sacred pilgrimage back home to YOU. Be guided on a 2 day CREATIVE ADVENTURE that is designed to lead you to the heart of where your stuck story wove it’s threads into different aspects of your consciousness.
Can you be in the great unraveling?
We will be with you all the way!

*IDENTIFY 6 core aspects of consciousness and be guided on a process to trace each thread back to it’s source.
- DISENTANGLE the story from these aspects of consciousness
- WEAVE a new story for your life with sacred ritual, sisterhood and Intentional Creativity
*CREATE a powerful healing ICON, a self-portrait that will set you back onto the path that has been lost
*EXPLORE symbols, colors and patterns that intentionally ALIGN your consciousness with your “NORTH STAR”, your inner guiding light
*ENTER into inquiry about how your core story is informing your choices
- ENGAGE in an Intentional Creativity process designed to help you access your most AUTHENTIC Self
*CONNECT with soul sisters in red thread circle
- AWAKEN your Inner Magic
*HEAL the deeper layers of your soul
This is about waking up your SOUL-SHINE, about the magic that happens when there is a full and complete union between your luscious and luminous spirit and your wild, succulent, sensual physicality. This is about coming fully into your own DAZZLE factor, the authentic version of YOU unleashed with no apologies! This is about removing the mask and showing the world your MAGNIFICENCE because you have felt it and claimed and painted it for your self! This is about UNZIPPING your fabulousness with passionate, fun and playful CREATIVITY. Light the fire ladies and get ready for power surges!!!!!!!
Cost $297
Register below for IC discount price of $222
2 payments of $160

POWER CREATIVES TV– Join Elizabeth Gibbons and Shiloh Sophia for a scintillating conversation on healing, intentional creativity and how to access “the Shimmering”
Alchemical Cafe is FREE
Sign up for the livestream class “The Muse of the Shimmering” and create your own magic from the comfort of your home.
Women and the Search for Wisdom
An Exhibit at the Petaluma Historical Library and Museum for Women’s History Month March 4-31, 2018

A month long celebration of art, music and poetry
I am thrilled and excited to have had several paintings accepted into this exhibition, curated and created by my dear friend, respected colleague and renowned scholar, Kayleen Asbo.
Sunday Afternoon Salon Series

with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’ Malley
Intentional Creativity Playshop for Elemental Healing
12 pm to 6 pm
Join us in creating MIXED MEDIA prayer flags as symbols of protection and healing to honor the elements. This is an Intentional Creativity Recovery Process for all of us (that would be everyone) impacted by natural disasters related to Fire, Water, Earth and Air.
Whether you have been impacted directly or indirectly, we would love to have you join us for this class. We feel called to offer a process that would help us all enter into recovery around our relationship with the elements. This is your invitation to join our sacred, supportive circle to explore, integrate, heal and transform in a way that feels safe and relevant for you and where you are in this moment.
The theme for this class is inspired by Tibetan prayer flags. In their culture, it is believed that the wind will carry the intentions of the writings and images on the flags out into the world to benefit all living beings. We will create 5 flags, one for space, air, fire, water and earth.
Release trauma and grief and activate your inner resilience with soulful, fun creativity and connection. Create icons of healing and protection. Sparkle on with glitter grit and sacred sisterhood! Move through sorrow to joy.
So often we can allow ourselves to get stuck in a swamp where we feel like we are drowning in grief. Other times, we would rather just bury our head under the covers and repress and deny all the catastrophic and painful events that are currently impacting our families, communities and our world. What if there is a better way? A middle way, where we can acknowledge, honor and express our sorrow and transform it with powerful intention and creativity. We can learn to embrace paradox and allow grief and joy to live side by side within us. Enchantment can become another pathway to building more resilience. We can create blessing ways with word and image. We can become our own medicine women and develop our courage and compassion in ways that are healing for ourselves and our communities.

“Everyone of us must undertake and apprenticeship with sorrow. We must learn the art and craft of grief, discover the profound ways it ripens and deepens us……it takes outrageous courage to face outrageous loss. This is precisely what we are being called to do. Any loss, whether deeply personal or one of those that swirl around us in the wider world, calls us to full-heartedness, for that is the meaning of courage. To honor our grief, to grant it space and time in our frantic world, is to fulfill a covenant with soul-to welcome all that is, thereby granting room for our most authentic life.”
Excerpt from “The Wild Edge of Sorrow” by Francis Weller
A limited number of scholarships are available. Please contact Elizabeth at 415-637-4290 or [email protected]
Class fee includes all art supplies and yummy snacks.

A 3 day Odyssey exploring the sensuous, scandalous and opulent mythology of the feminine through the lens of world renowned Visionary Artist, Gustav Klimt
Bold and visionary, enigmatic, full of mystery and allure, the art of Klimt is an invitation to dive more deeply into the splendor of our souls.
Join Visionary Artists Elizabeth and Trish O’Malley for an adventure of Intentional Creativity.
Do you DARE to wake up your FIERCE Feminine?
Do you DARE to live a more PASSIONATE life?
Do you DARE to enter the MYSTERY of your full FEMININE RADIANCE?
Aristotle said “…….the soul never thinks without an image.”
Day 1- Saturday January 13, 2018
Spend part of the 1st day visiting the world famous museum, the Palace of the Legion of Honor, to view the luminous work of Klimt in person. Radiant color, fluid lines, floral elements and mosaic patterning will spark your passionate inner MUSE!
Back at the Palace of the Soul, enter into your own Odyssey, explore and release blocks to the full expression of your most saucy, sassy self (we call this the “kiss my ass” phase of the painting or the “under painting”). Our day will include red thread circle, journaling, a magical vision quest into the “dream chamber” and ceremony.

Klimt was visionary, provocative, bold and original. He revolutionized society’s view of the mythic feminine with his images. When critics judged his work harshly he responded with this painting. Originally entitled “To my critic” the paintings name was eventually changed to “Goldfish”.
NO previous art experience needed for this class!! Your soul is not interested in your skill set. She merely wants a permission slip to fully express all aspects of her “fullness”. Etheric permission slips will be granted as soon as you press the REGISTER NOW button.
Day 2- Saturday February 24, 2018
Dive more deeply into your painting process by allowing your potent, powerful Mythic Goddess to claim her space in your life by revealing herself on the canvas. You will be guided in a simple process to create the lines for her form and the symbols that express your archetypal “superwoman”.
Do you DARE to know and reveal the symbols of your SOUL?
Do you DARE to enter the Mystic Space where life becomes the circle of loving, dying and loving again and again?

Expand into the fullness of your fierce, wild and beautiful feminine nature where all feelings are welcome and where there is enough spaciousness for joy and sorrow, love and loss to live side by side. Allow your shadow to “dance” with your light, come fully ALIVE to your most authentic life.
You will be guided to use shapes, symbols, design patterns and mosaics to create the Mythic Gown of your Goddess. The IC process will support you in uncovering repressed material from your unconscious. Once your “shadow side” is allowed out to frolic and play on the container of your canvas, transformation begins to happen. Painting with IC opens your access to new information. Blocked energy moves. Flow and abundance can be invited into the spaciousness that is created in your energy field.
We will be working with ” Signs of Life” by Angeles Arrien to help reveal our current patterns and soul path.
Our day together will include red thread circle, journaling, a magical vision quest and ceremony.
“According to Carl Jung, the powerful forces of the unconscious appear, not just in clinical material, but also in mythological, religious, artistic, and in all other activities humankind uses to experience itself. Jung advocated the symbol as the psychological mechanism that transforms energy.” Excerpt from “Signs of Life” by Angeles Arrien.
Day 3- Saturday March 3, 2018

Fully embody your Divine Feminine Gilded Goddess by dressing the part. (dress up is optional of course! Dress up materials will be provided for spontaneous flamboyance and notorious self-adornment!) Complete your powerful Super Woman ICON and add the piece de resistance, the gilding. Enter the spaciousness of your soul with creative self-expression. Learn the decorative, luminous embellishment technique of gilding. We will be using real gold and variegated gold leaf .
Do you DARE to claim your own BRILLIANCE?
Do you DARE to adorn your soul with SENSUALITY?
Do you DARE to Embody (and yes flaunt) your INNER SUPER-WOMAN?
Do you DARE to take a stand for your CREATIVE SELF-EXPRESSION?
Access your MUSE of inner opulence and sumptuousness as we create using shimmering materials. Class will end with a closing circle, ceremony and celebration!!
Class fee $387 (not including museum exhibit fee)
Class fee includes all art materials and yummy snacks
IC Guild members use coupon code OPULENCE for discounted price. Coupon code works for both payment plans
One payment of $387
2 payments of $209
Partial scholarships and 2 part payment plans available
Partial scholarship
For info on partial scholarships, please contact Trish at 1-707-889-1999
We acknowledge that we are living in challenging times. We stand strong in our belief that we can empower and heal ourselves with the medicine that Intentional Creativity has to offer. Creativity connects us to our life force energy. Intentional Creativity and the practices that we offer can free us from the negative loop that we can encounter when we are faced with tragedy and alchemically transform it into precious gifts of strength, resilience and wisdom. Going all the way into the grief and shadow, fully feeling it and surrendering to it allows us to emerge authentically radiant.

GUARDIAN OF YOUR INNER LIGHT” with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’Malley
Date TBD Class to be rescheduled
12 to 7 pm
Join Visionary Artist Elizabeth Gibbons plus her alchemical assistant for a nurturing, soulful day of intuitive Intentional Creativity. Elizabeth will guide you on a magical vision quest/ meditation to connect more deeply with your spirit guide. During the meditation you will receive messages to inform your soul’s purpose and your “sacred assignment” here on the planet.
After receiving the divine energetic vibrations of your spirit guide, you will be guided in an easy step by step intuitive painting process to bring your spirit guide into form on the canvas. Decode messages from the “Guardian of Your Inner Light” using symbol, color and playful art processes.
Take home a beautiful icon created by your own hands to honor your relationship with your spirit guide.
The playshop will take place in the beautiful, mythical environment and home of Elizabeth Gibbons in San Francisco. Our day together will include a red thread ceremony, all art supplies and healthy snacks.
MAGICAL PAINT PARTIES with Glitter W.A.S.P. a.k.a. Elizabeth
Your Guide: Elizabeth Gibbons plus an alchemical assistant
Paint Parties at the Palace
Allow Elizabeth to be your magical guide and MUSE and host a paint party for your special celebration in her beautiful home. Gather your soul sisters and enjoy the mythical, legendary setting. Minimum of 10 and maximum of 14
or for Mobile Paint Parties;
You provide the space and set it up and invite your friends! Elizabeth will show up with her Magical Art Mobile Studio on Wheels! Paint the night or afternoon away and activate your brain’s pleasure centers with color, symbol, fun, Intentional Creativity and divine play.
To learn more about Magical PAINT PARTIES and to sign up click on the link below;
For access to the Hoya-Strauss FREE Intentional Creativity Library go to
M.U.S.E. Day Painting Jam
with Shiloh Sophia and Elizabeth Gibbons
Livestream and in person (in Sonoma at Musea Sophia)
Sat. June 10
Alchemical Cafe (free) 10 am
Intentional Creativity Class- 12pm to 5 pm (if you cannot attend live, you will receive the recording and a materials list and you can paint and play at your own pace!)
Saturday June 10th : Alchemical Cafe & Daylong Class
Attend in Sonoma ~ tune in via Livestream ~ watch video Later
Light your creative fire with the tip of a flaming paintbrush!
Intuitive Painting Jams with Intentional Creativity
Moving Energy & Gaining Access
Intuitive Intentional Painting
..:MUSE DAYS at Cosmic Cowgirls Ranch..:
All of the Shiloh Sophia’s MUSE DAYS will ALSO feature book tour readings for Tea with the Midnight Muse
Questions or coming from out of town and want lodging? email [email protected]
For Livestream Registration, enter promo code ‘ MuseDays’ (case sensitive)
to receive a partial scholarship of $25 off tuition if needed to make this possible for you join us.
Always a collaboration that comes together to bring you the best of what we have to share!
“Who is the Muse? Ah…well… we have no idea but we do know she has the key to your hidden rooms so it may be time to invite her to have tea with you and just see what happens.”
*You will be guided in a step by step Intentional Creativity process to access your MUSE and paint her, to access her messages for you.
*Emphasis will be given on the basics of discovering your own style of ‘face’ using quick Picasso/Matisse style strokes to discover and reveal her essence.
*We will work with acrylic paint, glitter, sharpies, watercolor paper 22X30 and you don’t need any experience in painting to enjoy this process. Full materials list sent upon registration.
*Paint, play, dance and express your wild side.
*Treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself through allowing a day to be ALL about you!
*Light the end of your paintbrush with your creative fire! HOT!
*Paint your Muse – Watercolor paper + acrylic paint & sharpies & Glitter provided.
*BYOB – Bring your own brushes (or borrow ours)
*Coffee, tea, chocolate and snacks provided. Bring a sack lunch.
Muse Days is hosted at Cosmic Cowgirls Ranch, a Retreat Center, Studio and Boutique in the Heart of Carneros California
Spend the day getting to know the one who lives within. What does she have to tell you about inviting more shimmer and glitter into your life?
How can you sparkle from the inside out? Lets find out together…
Saturday, June 10
Hourlong Alchemical Cafe 10am Los Angeles | 1pm New York | 2pm Brazil
Daylong Painting Class 12pm Los Angeles | 3pm New York | 4pm Brazil
Alchemical Cafe is free, but you must be subscribed to Power Creatives TV
Daylong Class is $75 watch via Livestream or watch later (enter code MuseDays for $25 off scholarship)
OR $145 to come in studio: Cosmic Cowgirls Ranch, Sonoma CA with Shiloh & Elizabeth.
with Shiloh Sophia & guest teacher, Elizabeth Gibbons, Founder of Palace of the Soul and The Divine School of Glitteracy!
Register and RSVP here

new date TBA (to be announced when the MUSE clicks her glitter shoes together)
12pm to 7pm
with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’Malley
Delight your MUSE with a nurturing day of playful, juicy Intentional Creativity in a gorgeous mythical, magical environment! Come to the MUSE OASIS at the Palace of the Soul for an experience of enchantment that will nurture your soul and fill you with JOY!
Immerse yourself in soulful sisterhood! Turn on your ABUNDANCE switch! Gain access to your most bountiful self with fun creativity. Celebrate the lavish bounty of the flowering earth in springtime.
Create a mixed media ICON of succulent, outrageous, bountiful beauty.
The beauty and bounty of spring and new life is bursting forth all around us! Now is the time to give birth to our gifts, to step into our fully expressed state of ABUNDANCE. Join us in red thread circle as we come together and birth the full expression of our divine feminine creative essence.

Plant money seeds, call in limitless prosperity, compost your limiting beliefs, design your inner garden of delight and bring it to form on canvas.
Say YES to celebration!
Say YES to more JOY!
Say YES to creativity as an exploration of enchantment!
Set Intention to call in more ABUNDANCE!
Expand your energy into a “field of miracles”
Dress in your most sumptuous garden party attire
Class Fee of $147 includes all art materials and yummy snacks.There will be chocolate and red thread and a fire ceremony!
For IC Guild members and COW Class of 2017 use promo code BOUNTIFUL (case sensitive)

ARISE/ Passion from the Ashes
An Intentional Creativity Playshop with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’Malley
Saturday March 25, 2017
Grab your “palette of the soul”, don your super shero cape of wonder and get ready to give birth to a new you! Join us for a powerful, transformational, soulful and nurturing day of Intentional Creativity.
We are living in extraordinary times. We are undergoing a deep awakening and a profound transformation, both personally and globally. The energy and wisdom of the Phoenix archetype supports us in releasing the old that no longer serves and in ARISING to create new stories and new ways of showing up for life. Create your own icon of rebirth and empowerment, a phoenix painting. Stay connected to the spirit of hope, rebirth and regeneration by energetically connecting with your inner phoenix, who can help you embody Passion from the Ashes!
“Personal Transformation in Your Life
Phoenix energy gives us the opportunity to put an end to the old way of doing things, and the old ways of regarding ourselves, and enter into a new place where we can create ourselves a fresh and dynamic person.”
“A heart filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison.” RUMI
Image and symbol are the language of the soul. To truly move energy and embody the transformation that we desire for our lives, Intentional Creativity gives us catalytic tools for making shifts. Spend a day immersed in the awakening of your CREATIVE SOUL-FIRE, calling upon phoenix medicine to support you in navigating these challenging, transformative times.
Gift yourself with a love soul shower
Class Fee of $147 includes all art materials and yummy snacks.There will be chocolate and red thread and a fire ceremony!
For IC Guild members promo code for discounted price is ICGuild
Please e-mail Elizabeth at [email protected] to save your spot.
MUSE DAY/Intuitive Painting Jams with Intentional Creativity Teachers
Our theme is MUSE and lighting your Creative Fire- because the MUSE lights the FUSE. Each event is unique to the women or woman leading it, yet there will be certain Muse Sparks that are the same at each gathering. Like what? Well let me tell you…..Muse Painting gets energy moving. Stories begin to unfurl. Playfulness begins to dance. At each event there will be intuitive painting with BOLD colors and daring demos. There will be chocolate. There will be Red Thread. There will be teachings on how to MOVE your energy from stuck places. There will be poetry read from Shiloh Sophia’s new book, Tea with the Midnight Muse. There will be INTENTION setting so powerful that you will gain a new sense of how to ACCESS your creative fire when you need it. No experience needed. Really. You go this and its time to play.
Saturday Feb. 4, 2017
12 pm to 6 pm
Our theme; Calling forth the circle/shield of protection with guest teacher Trish O’Malley and Kate Langlois
*Compassion * Justice *Protection *Sovereignty
An Intentional Creativity Journey of Healing with the DIVINE FEMININE. Exploring the theme of protection and entering the inquiry about what needs protecting in our lives.
*Invoking the energy of your Muse of Protection with Intentional Creativity
*Activate your Fierce Feminine
*Liberate your Inner Warrior
*Release fears around the topic of power

$127 includes all materials and healthy snacks
“BURIED TREASURE”(a.k.a. Booty and Bangles!) (new dates below)
A Grand Creative Adventure into Uncharted Territory with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Trish O’Malley (descendant of the legendary Pirate Queen, Grace O’Malley)
Check out this video to see how Elizabeth and Trish turned their “pity party” into a super powered grand adventure that they want to share with you!
Join the Pirate and Gypsy Queens for a 2 day journey to discover and claim your buried treasure!
Explore your personal mythology and relationship to freedom and SOVEREIGNTY through the archetypes and symbols of the Pirate and Gypsy. Create a “Sacred Rebel” soul code and “treasure map” to direct and inform your life. Unleash your inner wild woman and claim your fierceness. Paint and bedazzle an icon of power to support you in shifting energetically into living your life as an inspired revolutionary who lives by her own rules.
Playshop will include a red thread circle ceremony, vision quest, sound healing, essential oils, painting, embellishment (access to the Glitter Bar!), a wooden treasure chest to paint and embellish plus fierce and fabulous fun!! All art materials and yummy snacks included.
Cost: $397 for both days $297 for one day only (only available for friday)
Friday January 13 and Saturday January 14 12 pm to 6 pm
Special prices are available for Airbnb accommodations for gypsies and pirates from Oct. 28- Oct. 30. Please call my Glitter Girl Friday at 415-637-4290 or e-mail her at [email protected] to reserve your room. To check out the fabulous accommodations go here;

Sale Price- $297 for both days single payment

Sale Price – 3 payments at $100 each
To learn more abut this class and to read the Gypsy/Pirate Manifesta go here;
About Trish O’Malley;
Born in central Illinois and raised on a farm a few miles outside a very small town, trish o’malley (all lowercase just because she likes the way it looks) arrived a rebellious one and has not calmed down very much in the past five and a half decades. She has lived in a number of isolated and gorgeous spots in the Western United States and now makes her home in picturesque Sebastopol, California. She has had more jobs than she can count, from snow coach driver and guide in Yellowstone to short order cook, magazine writer to aromatherapist, Tantric dakini and priestess to retail and nonprofit management. Basically, she has concluded she is not employable (probably from that Irish pirate lineage), so she teaches art and intentional creativity, paints, writes, dances, guides deep journeys of self-discovery, and looks for adventure even in the commonplace. Yep, there is a wonderful guy and a charming cat and a whole host of colorful folks in her life. Cooking up magic and mayhem with Elizabeth Gibbons and inviting others to share in the fun is one of her greatest delights.
Elizabeth Gibbons is not only an amazing artist, she is also a masterful teacher and art program facilitator.
She is prepared and professional and a joy to work with. She presented at our retreat for women in business.
The participants loved her program, they got so much value from her creative instruction. They were all inspired
And uplifted from the experience. We will have her back every single time.
—Caterina Rando, Founder Thriving Women in Business Community
at The Palace of the Soul with guest teachers Kerry Lee and Gina Fong Seidler
Date to be announced
Join us for an complimentary evening of learning, food, and fun!
This is the perfect class if you’ve been interested in learning more about Essential Oils and would like to create a healthy foundation for yourself and the people you love. Feel empowered with alternatives while experiencing the side effects of essential oils; increased joy, light, and peace.
Women’s Vision Circle- Dream Weavers DIVINEwith
Elizabeth Gibbons and Kerry Lee, the Alchemical Artist
Date to be announced
4 pm to 7 pm
-The Palace of the Soul- 449 Parker Ave.
“Claiming Your Gifts” Intentional Creativity Art SPARK Activity and Ceremony
You are magnificent in ways that you may not yet have explored or claimed. Your authentic soul’s vibration, your essence, your SOUL-FIRE, the expression of who you are is like NOONE else on this planet. Inside you there is brilliance and mystery, beauty, creativity and grace longing to be seen and acknowledged.
How many choices have you made in your life just because you didn’t think that your presence mattered? I am hear to tell you that you MATTER. Take a dive deep into the sea of possibilities and explore the “Buried Treasures” of your deep “inner paradise lounge” at our Women’s Vision Circle on May 1st.
May 1st, also known as Beltane, is a day to celebrate fertility, fire and abundance. We will be celebrating our Soul Fire, our Divine Spark and the fertile imaginations and inner worlds that make up who we are. By claiming our gifts and sharing them with art and soul sisters, we activate and attune to our flow of abundance!
In red thread circle with your luminous and loving soul sisters, you will be guided on a meditation to explore your gifts. We will be sharing a fun and playful Intentional Creativity Art Spark Activity to quest into our brilliance, potential and possibilities. We will be completing our circle with a Sacred Rose Ceremony where you will be witnessed as you claim your gifts. When we are willing to take a stand for our own unique brilliance, we show up differently in our lives, our world and our communities. Expect POWER surges!!!!
“Through all eternity there flows a river of space and time. You cannot know the importance of who you are until you have traversed the river to claim your place in the cosmos and to name your GIFTS.”
Love offering for art materials
Early bird special $39 At the door $49
All art materials included in the price
Please rsvp to Elizabeth at 415-637-4290. Space is limited to 16

About Kerry Lee
Utilizing a step-by-step proven process, Certified Intentional Creativity™ Coach and Teacher Kerry Lee, guides her students through a transformative method of Intentional Creativity™ and Intuitive Painting. The method, developed by Shiloh Sophia McCloud and her mentor Sue Hoya Sellers releases creative blocks and old stories and allows new stories to emerge. Intentional Creativity™ is when we choose to bring mindfulness to our creations. Intuitive Painting is where we practice a deep listening to the unconscious inner mysteries and draw our inspiration from them.
Kerry Lee believes each of us is creative and has an Artist within. Beginning with a guided visualization to be in the moment and become present to ourselves, Kerry Lee helps her students access their Muse; the wise inner voice, intuition, higher self, the divine of our inner life we all have access to. The Muse is the antidote to the Inner Critic and to old stories that no longer serve us and to assist in focus for dreams yet realized. The voice of the Muse can guide us to find our treasures, symbols, icons and medicine and bring it back out from behind the veil into the light of our lives, and onto our canvases.
Healing with Crystals
with Elizabeth Gibbons and guest teacher Katy Atchison
12:30 pm to 6:00pm
Next date TBA
Learn how to bring elements of nature into your work and how to elevate found objects to create beautiful jewelry. We’ll teach you how to make gold & silver gilded agate rings & beginner wire wrapping so you can start sporting your bag o’ crystals as jewelry instead.
You’ll get to choose an agate crystal & cleanse it before learning how to turn it into a beautiful ring with an exquisite dipped gold look! Then, later in the class we’ll break open geodes in a beautiful group ceremony – learn how to wire wrap them into gorgeous pendents. YOU WILL WALK OUT WITH 3-4 AMAZING PIECES + techniques for cleansing crystals at home.
Students will learn:
-How to Cleanse your crystals with a simple at-home ceremony lead by the Elizabeth Gibbons
-Wire-Wrapping Techniques and tips for single pieces of wire & multiple pieces of wire
-We will break geodes in a ceremony lead by Elizabeth Gibbons.
- Making simple jewelry with your geode pieces.
- tips on how to get the most from your crystal’s healing energy.
-Gilding vs Gold Dipping
-Where to obtain the best gems
-Gem History & Origin Nerd Talk
About Katy Atchison: Born to a potter and a textile artist, Katy has a natural curiosity to explore everything DIY. While other kids were attending summer camp & soccer practice, she was raised surrounded by everything craft: weekends were for selling at craft shows, babysitting with Grandma Atchison was filled with painting, summers in Montana meant counted crossstitch with Grandmie Bonnettt & after homework was finished she was weaving, loading kilns and sponging pots for weekend craft show prep. Katy has been teaching in San Francisco for over 7 years – Her classes include jewelry making, advanced wire wrapping, Hand-lettering, Scrubs & Soaps, Painting, Illustration & How to Make Your Own Mini-pie. For more about her and a look into her adventures, visit: or @katyatch on social media.
Cost includes all materials and healthy snacks
Early bird special extended until 4/22/16 $127 Regular cost $147
FREE goodies to sparkle up your life with Intentional Creativity!
For access to the Hoya-Strauss FREE Intentional Creativity Library go to
The purpose of this library is to provide online classes for women guiding women in Intentional Creativity as well as for students worldwide to share with their families and communities. There are easy to use classes designed for all skill levels including beginners.
Pop up ART & CREATIVITY Salon- This is an open house and a time to gather with our creative tribe and do my very favorite thing. Have creative cafe! Bring your own project and art materials. We will all be sharing out tips with each other and gathering in a chill, fun inspiring environment. Just FYI the ART DOCTOR will not be in attendance although the Muse will. This is not a time to receive instruction on art processes. I will be present as my Eccentric, Legendary and Sparkling Artist self.
Sunday June 19
3 pm to 7 pm
FREE Essential Oils Classes given regularly at the Palace. Check Classes and Events page for upcoming dates
Psychic Brain Dump/ Releasing Loser Stories and Limiting Beliefs
Painting and collage Intentional Creativity Playshop
Date to be announced!
More info coming soon!
with Elizabeth Gibbons a.k.a the Bejewelled Baroness
Next Date TBA (probably October!)
An afternoon of sparkling delight learning the magic and enchantment of Embellishment Techniques with the Queen of Glitteracy! I will share super tips on design, texture, materials and adhesives. This is a B.Y.O. P. (bring your own painting) event. Materials included in the price will be micro-beads, glitter (fine and chunky), gold leaf, foil bits, shattered glass, mica flakes, sequins, shells and adhesives.
Red Thread Circle and Meditation/Vision Quest activating your diamond consciousness and your soul’s divine blueprint. Get ready for some sassy and sizzling sparkle as we dive into delicious and delightful rituals of luminous creativity!
Access to the Glitter Bar of course!
Cost: $119
Space limited to 8. Contact my Glitter Girl Friday at [email protected] to reserve your spot. This class is SOLD OUT. (unless you have already rsvp’ed and let me know, in which case your spot is reserved!)
Embracing the Body of the Alchemical Feminine Intentional Creativity Playshop/ A Self- LOVE Tune Up
with Elizabeth Gibbons and the alchemical artist, Kerry Lee
Saturday, February 20, 2016 12 to 7
*Create a powerful Icon to energize your year, call in new health and vitality and align your energy with the energies of the Cosmos!
*Tune in to the Intuitive Wisdom of your body
- Explore ways to heal your relationship with your body
- Discover and harness the Power of the emotional and physical properties of pure essential oils to awaken, empower, and inspire your own personal Full Body YES!!!!
*Heal with simple Energy Medicine (courtesy of Donna Eden) exercises - Connect with an awesome group of women in red thread circle in an inspiring and mythic environment
- Learn tips and techniques for protecting your energy field
Spend a day exploring your divine relationship with your body. Honor the messages that she shares with you with sacred
symbols and luscious, vibrant colors. You will be led on a magical vision quest to embrace your body and discover the codes to bring your soul and body into harmony. We will lead you on a simple step by step process to create a painting that celebrates the wisdom that you receive.
You will be invited to experience the “sensorium”, where your teachers will guide you in fun and delicious activities that are designed to embrace, awaken and tantalize each of your 7 senses!!
(Seven??????!!!!!!! Yes that’s what we said! 7!! Join us to learn more!)
Guest teacher: Kerry Lee Hedrick Laird, The Alchemical Artist, Kerry Lee & You
No previous art experience required! We promise!
Cost is $147 -includes all art materials and yummy snacks! Art materials provided will include a canvas, Golden Fluid acrylic paints, alcohol inks, spray inks, Do Terra essential oils and gifts of love from the Bejewelled Baroness. We are going to do our best to also get to a little glitteracy (YES embellishment)!
November 13, 2015 through Jan. 31, 2016
Art Exhibition
herchurch, 678 Portola Drive, San Francisco
SUNDAY January 31: 2-4 pm “GoddessSpiritRising” Exhibit with Artists’ Closing Reception with Ekphrastic Poetry, Music, Rituals, Performance Art. The Exhibit is a collection of images from artists near and far. Art show is curated by Stacy Boorn, Elaine Chan and Deborah Tash. This exhibition will run for 3 months.
Women’s Vision Circle- Dream Weavers Divine! January 17th- The Palace of the Soul,449 Parker Ave. San Francisco with Kerry Lee and Elizabeth Gibbons
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm (the circle actually starts at 3:30 and goes until 5:30. We do request that you arrive early and encourage you to leave so extra time to spend with us after the ceremony as we LOVE to be with you and there is so much exciting inspiration to share at the Palace!)
*Dream your year into being with sacred red thread circle and power filled intentions
*Release what no longer serves you with the Violet Flame Fear Clear Ceremony
- Create a Cosmic Compass to guide and direct your year *Activate the four directions and the powers of the Sphinx, To KNOW, to WILL, to DARE and to BE SILENT (with discernment- Disclosure- we do not endorse silence too often, we are more of a howling at the moon, express your wild side kind of tribe! however it is the silence within that often leads us to the great dark and fertile compost of our souls! We are talking about silencing the inner worrywart, not the Muse!
*Activate your supernova energy/ Claim your Star Power
- Connect with DIVINE soul sisters beneath the alchemical veil of wonder
- Experience the magic and enchantment of a visionary meditation where you will be drinking the elixir of light to ignite your luminous light body and sparkle up your SOUL-SHINE for 2016!
Join Kerry Lee and me at the Palace of the Soul on January 17 for our Women’s Vision Circle! Come turn on your “cosmic ignition switch” so you can fuel your year with juicy creative soul-fire and more joy, joy, joy and cascades of abundance! Join our Meetup group and rsvp and register. Space is limited and we are filling fast so don’t hesitate! Your most divine and outrageous dreams are waiting beyond the veil, ready to be ignited!!
Cost: love offering of $15 per person
Go here to rsvp Vision Your Dream 2016 Women’s Circle
The Sacred Tree of Life Mixed Media Playshop
Saturday December 5, 2015, 12 to 7pm
We will be creating “golden” alchemical trees of abundance (yes! Gold leafing- delightful and luscious alchemy!!!) and of course we’ll be blessing our intentions and trees with glitter, micro beads and earth elements (herbs and spices! Be ready to be delighted and immersed in bliss! (at the Palace of the Soul in SF!)
You will be guided on a triple heart meditation to harmonize your heartbeat with the heartbeat of the cosmos and the heartbeat of the earth. You will become the embodiment of the sacred tree of life, a living column of light. This powerful practice will support you in integrating the energies of heaven and earth. As above, so below. As these energies are awakened within you, a profound healing will occur. You will naturally root into your own Divine abundance and you will receive an energy clearing that will help you shift into a new way of being in the world, a way of being in the flow of abundance, ease, peace and love.
We will then anchor our healing with Intentional Creativity as we create sacred icons in mixed media and alchemical gold. Prepare yourself to be immersed in beauty, joy, enchantment and magical healing!
No previous art experience required! This is a loving, playful and nurturing environment. We will gather in red thread circle to connect with our soul sisters!
Fee includes all sparkling and fabulous art materials (including cosmic stardust), yummy snacks and a surprise gift from the Bejewelled Baroness’s treasure chest/
Space is limited. Sign up early.
Cost: $150
Friday December 18, 2015, 12 to 7pm
with guest teacher, Trish O’Malley Reclaiming your sovereignty and your sexy, sacred and sassy self! We will be creating a “Queen of the Universe” painting with intentional creativity. We will paint on black. If you have never done this before, it is an incredible experience, like commanding the entire cosmos. Expect power surges!
You will be entering into your own “heart cave” and then shining the light of your divinity in the darkness. It is more powerful to have gone into the dark deeply and then return into the light and into liberation. We will be establishing new codes of self worth. The Solar Feminine is literally your “light body”. She shines, radiates and illuminates the world. We will explore how we shine and express ourselves in the world and empower you to claim your unique form of expression in the world.
Expect to heighten your attunement to your inner voices and unlock the one that knows how to roar! We will be powerfully aligning with the energies of the Solstice to ignite our own energies,raise our vibrations and activate the energies of the Solar Feminine within us!
No previous art experience required! This is a loving, playful and nurturing environment. We will gather in red thread circle to connect with our soul sisters!
Fee includes all sparkling and fabulous art materials (including cosmic stardust), yummy snacks and a surprise gift from the Bejewelled Baroness’s treasure chest/
Space is limited. Sign up early.
We will be focusing just on the painting for this day. There will be a second day offered that will be for those who would like to embellish their paintings!
Cost: $150 Space is limited!